this is my blog

i started this blog april 04 2010 and i love bloging!!!!!!!!!!i hope you like what you see next!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

i'm going to the zoo!!!!

i'm going to the niabi zoo today i get in for free but my mom has to pay i get in free because i'm with the home school assistance program also know as the HSAP it's really fun because only my parent or parents have to pay.well i have to get going soon and dad if you see this then i will be safe and i love you daddy.

love p1

Monday, September 20, 2010

part two of it's a new day

so I've started school and did math and vocabulary and exercise and spelling and bible reading and still left to go is reading writing and cleaning.can you believe i don't get recess.I'm on my lunch break that why i have time to for exercise today i went down my driveway in a wagon and my driveway is a huge hill i only go half way to the top and my sis(paris) will not go up at i also wanted to ask if you can spread the news around of my blog.any way i have to get back to school.bye

love p1

it's a new day

Ok it's a new day i have already started my eggs and i have to do school (i'm home schooled) so last night i didn't get good sleep but once i'm up i'm up so one time i woke up at 2:30am and never went back to sleep also because i was too hot because there was a thunder storm and my sis (paris) was scared but so was i and i wasn't cranky that day...ok maby a i have my eggs with cheese salt and pepper and there hot so i kinda burt my that i talked about thunder storms there thunder here witch is really loud because it echos off the hills.well i have to start school so...bye

love p1

Saturday, September 18, 2010

i'm done traveling...for now

OK we got home today my mom and dad said that i was so good at the classes both days that i can get somethings from the I'm done traveling...for now.i did say that i was staying with aunt Terri and uncle Jim?well i stay in a room completely purple and i usually don't sleep well only in my house but i slept really good i only woke up one time to use the restroom and get watter and that was it and they had the sweetest cat and i kept wanting to call her Missy like my cat misfit.i just felt completely at home.i loved it there.well i'm kinda tired so bye.

love p1

Thursday, September 16, 2010

progress in the adoption for josiah

Tomorrow i have to wake up at 5:30am for my mom and dad's parents in progress classes,i hope i get good sleep that night as last night i woke up 2:30am and i forgot that i had a little maze game that my aunt gave me and it made like a ringing sound with the ball going around and around to try to get in the winning spot.So we are making progress in the adoption.I forgot to say i'm going to update my blog on the adopion stuff,so i will update when ever we make progress and my parents blog is for more info on josiah.

love P1