this is my blog

i started this blog april 04 2010 and i love bloging!!!!!!!!!!i hope you like what you see next!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, April 30, 2010


I'm thinking about volunteering at the humane society of scott county.

Monday, April 5, 2010

my cat

that's my cat sorry the pic is blurry. this pic isn't that blurry.

if you know

If you know anyone famous tell them about my blog or ask a friend do you know any one famous or any one who know somone famous?



this is music

have you heared the new song make it shine?if not then it's really good i love it i listen to it while i do my school (i'm home schooled).O here is the web to the song.

i know weird name for a website...but the song is on it.

this is movies

have any of you seen a Elktra?If you haven't it is really good there was action and really good acting and the story was good one of my favorite movies.I know short blog but you can tell me what movies i should talk about every week.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

this is animals

i have a cat she is a stray we found her run to the burn pile where i was clean up sticks i freak i thought she was going to attack me but i scared her and she ran to my mom and she gave her some tukey meat and milk she didn't like the milk.Then she became a part of our family.My dad hates her but it's three against 1 me my sister and my mom.anyways i need to go to sleep good night who ever is reading this.

this is famous people and singers

last night i watch the blind side with Sandra bullock i vote her acting on a scale from 1 to 5 a 4 i really like it and Raina at the kids choice awards on a scale from 1 to 5 i give her a 2 i don't lisen to any of her music because repeating the samthing over and over again is not music(well that's what my mom told me),so sorry fans and Raina if you read this.

this is how the this is my life story would be and all true

Today it was Easter my Mom woke me up early i'm like what's going on...then I realized it was a Sunday.I got out of bed grabbed a blanket got some cereal (cinnamon toast crunch) ate it as fast as i could.Changed my close and didn't look right...changed them again still didn't look right...changed again almost time to go (sweating like a pig)and fainally got it right.Brushed my hair and teeth then grabbed a notebook and wrote this.Then got to church i get there early because my dad is the worship leader so he needs to pratice while he did that i was thinking about ritting a blog (and here i am)then my dad comes out with all of our stuff and we leave cause he feels sick so come home he and my mom watch a movie in there bedroom.I watch tv on the big tv. And watch big time rush and icarly and the troop and hannah montana the movie and show then talked with my dad as a thunder storm warning and tornado watch.I have been thought one my self went right over top of our house and no damage across the street left side demolished and my old friend grarge caved in.

what do i blog about???

1.What I do in my life?
2.Famous people and singers?
6.All of the above?

Sorry you need to have a google email acount to comment please ask your parents you need to be old enough and if not ask your mom or dad to sigh you in under there name.

I've created a blog!!

This is my first blog, stay tuned readers as there will be more to P1